INVIMA Certification

We satisfactorily completed the audit for the certification of good manufacturing practices in our segregated products manufacturing plant of the City of Buenos Aires

Production Facilities

We possess 2 production facilities to meet national and international demand.

We have two production facilities of our own, with a total of 7.500 m2 devoted exclusively to manufacturing of oral solid products such as tablets, hard capsules and non-sterile powders to treat oncological, autoimmune, pneumological, nephrological and neurological diseases.

The installed capacity is over 105 million dosage units per year with 3 production shifts, satisfying the national and international demand.

View our products


Quality and Development

Production facilities include technical offices, an industrial manufacturing plant for solid dosage forms, warehouses, research and development, a pilot plant, a quality control and quality assurance lab.

The productive process is performed with a quality system that ensures, by controlling different manufacturing stages, the required quality standards both nationally and internationally.

Our processes follow a Quality Management System setting under global cGMP regulations. In addition, storage and control measures comply with the National Dug Traceability System (Sistema Nacional de Trazabilidad de Medicamentos).

What is more, we have a pilot plant dequipped with a team of professional pharmacists specialized in developing and studying new formulations. This plant is completely apart from the production area and it was designed following the same standards as the manufacturing area. It allows us to design, manufacture and study new products, improve existing formulations, refine processes to render them more efficient and transfer products for final processing.

Our Production Facilities

Quality Management

Our processes follow a Quality Management System setting
under global cGMP regulations

current Good Manufacturing Practices


In Argentina and Latin America